
My name’s Dave Williams, I work for the European Space Agency, and I’m a physicist who specialises in studying our star: the Sun.

I work on ESA‘s Solar Orbiter mission at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) near Madrid. Solar Orbiter launched in February 2020 from Cape Canaveral, and I’m one of four “Science Operations Scientists” working at the mission’s Science Operations Centre (SOC). Our job is to liaise between the teams who built and operate the scientific instruments, and the SOC, which organises how the mission is run so that the mission can achieve what it needs to scientifically. There is a LOT of planning involved!

In a previous life, I spent a very enjoyable few years as a lecturer in the Solar Physics Group at UCL‘s Mullard Space Science Lab in England. And before that, I was a University Research Fellow, and Scientist-in-Residence at ISAS/JAXA near Tokyo, working for Hinode‘s Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS).

I tweet a mixture of personal and professional stuff as @asubsetofdaves, and I’ve recently started tooting on Mastodon at @asubsetofdaves@mas.to . If you would like to know about my research, resulting publicationsteaching record (including Ph.D. students), and other activities, just look up the appropriate pages (as they appear).


ESAC, European Space Agency
Camino bajo del Castillo s/n
Villafranca del Castillo
Villanueva de la Cañada
Madrid 28692, Spain.

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